
What is Sexual Assault?

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Sexual assaults typically involve someone the victim knows – such as a friend, acquaintance, date, family member or intimate partner. However, sexual assaults may also occur from strangers.

Consent should be an unequivocal expression of approval for sexual activity. A person impaired by alcohol or drugs cannot provide consent.

What is a rape?

Sexual assault is a horrific crime, with long-lasting physical and psychological impacts on its victims. Surviving victims may find difficulty trusting others or finding new partners; this may create difficulties within relationships, work performance, and school performance.

Consent must be freely given in an open, enthusiastic, and unwavering fashion; any “yes” given under duress does not qualify as consent, even if said repeatedly; sexual contact without explicit agreement from both parties involved constitutes either rape or sexual assault.

Some rapes are perpetrated by those familiar to the victim, such as family and friends; these rapes are known as interpersonal rapes. Others can occur between strangers; these non-intimate rapes include acts such as groping, oral penetration, frottage or using weapons against victims to threaten them – although touching sensitive areas with objects like fingernails or toothbrushes also constitute an act of sexual violence against children referred to as “statutory rapes.”

What is a sexual assault?

Sexual assault refers to any unwanted physical contact or penetration that involves penetrating someone’s vagina, anus or oral sex organs; touching someone’s breasts or buttocks for sexual pleasure or elicitation purposes.

Victims of sexual violence commonly experience shock, fear and anxiety as well as anger or numbness following sexual assault. It is important for victims of this crime to remember that their feelings are normal and it was no fault of theirs that they were sexually abused.

Sexual Violence affects anyone: women, men and children alike – whether known or unknown to you – and occurs everywhere from schools, workplaces and neighborhoods to college campuses and destroys basic pillars of safety and trust in communities. Furthermore, this behavior costs our economy enormous sums in health care expenses, criminal justice expenses and crisis and social service fees.

What are the consequences of a sexual assault?

Sexual assaults have lasting and irreparable repercussions that may include immediate and long-term effects. They can disrupt physical health, relationships and quality of life as well as impact emotional and mental wellbeing. Each survivor of sexual violence reacts differently depending on culture, personal style and the context in which their assault occurred.

Consent can only be given when one has both the freedom and capacity to make choices freely; someone who is unconscious, asleep or drunk cannot give consent.

Perpetrators employ coercive tactics to coerce people into non-consensual sexual encounters, including emotional or psychological pressure, manipulation or intimidation. Most often than not, their victims know their perpetrators intimately – intimate partners as well as acquaintances.

Surviving sexual assault often leaves survivors vulnerable to sexual health issues, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or pregnancy. To get help quickly after an assault, survivors should visit a hospital immediately following the event and request to speak with someone experienced in handling these types of cases such as a sexual assault forensic examiner or nurse.

What can I do if I’m a victim of a sexual assault?

Sexual assault can affect anyone. Victims have numerous options available to them to them when responding to sexual violence; survivors should make the choice that feels most suitable based on their individual physical, emotional, and psychological needs. Some survivors may decide to contact police immediately in order to preserve evidence while other may choose medical care, forensic exams (also called “rape kit”) exams or support from crisis hotlines or counselors as their best solution.

It’s normal tо have many questions after experiencing sexual assault. Our resource includes answers tо frequently asked questions about sexual assault charges, the legal process, and available support services.

Sexual assaults often involve those that the survivor knows intimately, such as family or friends, making the assault particularly devastating since victims may find it hard to trust anyone with their safety.

Rather than calling friends or loved ones directly, most states offer certified advocates that provide free and confidential support for victims of sexual assault. You may also call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE for advice and support – this call may appear on your phone bill though so it may be best to make this call from another location such as using your cell phone if possible.